So, this is my first post. Exciting! I really want this weblog to be informal and personal yet really tackle some big issues. There are many reasons for writing: the first is to get the green message out to new places, the second is to practice expressing that message in ways that really relate to ordinary people and that reframe green politics as something that means something to everybody, not as something niche. I also want to give myself an outlet to find the issues that are really important to me, and even just to talk about my day. But I promise to always bring it back to the global issues that everybody can connect with. And I hope people will take this blog as a basis to communicate with, debate and connect with me. Please see the About page for more information on my background and other websites.

Earth from spaceI’ve spent a lot of time on the look of the blog. With the exception of a huge stroke of bad luck, the look of this weblog should be unique. Thanks to Becca Wei and Beccary though for inspiration from her theme Sweet Dreams (I have put credits permanently at the bottom of the page). Thanks also to the designers of the Intense Simplicity theme and to the designers of the plugins and WordPress itself. I’m deeply impressed with WordPress as a tool and with the power of the Open Source community. Long may it thrive.

I’m pleased also to offer some (I hope) progressive social networking and bookmarking tools on the weblog. There are four different types: an RSS Feed, an array of social bookmarking icon-links, an option to Subscribe by email (very exciting) and a link to Email a post to a friend. (Suffice to say, any and all data collected or offered will be kept strictly to myself.)

I hope people will comment regularly, and indeed suggest links and other weblogs. I will also be developing my categories and links as time goes by, so if you’re visiting this blog in early 2008, please bookmark me and come back soon to see more green content. I hope you enjoy! Ooh, by the way, great name, huh? 😉

Matt Wootton – Lancaster